Saturday 21 September 2013

But why the Judiciary??

So where were we? Oh yes! That one fine night when we questioned; why is the judicial system there as it is today? What was the whole point? The need? When you and your friend/your enemy/a stranger have a fight, you'd rather listen to a third person who you've never met or spoken to before and let them decide for you than settle matters among yourselves. Why is that so acceptable, even comforting?

So, we thought it's possibly human nature to want a Social hierarchy and Rules (please excuse the spelling error and dumb drawings!). That's how it's always been. There are kings, dictators, teachers, parents, judges, policemen, priests and many more who have always been higher in the social hierarchy, and then there are rules always guiding you. Religious rules. Parental rules. Democratic Rules. Moral rules (Ethics?).Traffic rules! And without them, there will be chaos.

At some point, they also collide because you want rules to bring about equality, so that everyone follows the same, and then you also want people to execute and enforce the rules, thus bringing them on another social level, thus breaking the equality you wanted in the first place!

So, if this human trait is the need of this whole system, and suppose this system was never there, what could we come up with? A completely different alternative? I'm sure it's as crazy and complicated as it sounds, or more. But it sounds like a logical systemic way to think of this whole problem. Is there more we are missing out on? Where do we begin when we've landed right back into that endless sea that we tried to narrow down from three weeks back?

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